Biting midges control & sandflies control in Kenya
Biting midges control & sandflies control in Kenya


Midges control services in Kenya
Midges control services in Kenya

Midges control in Kenya we provide includes midges control, mosquito control, midges control services, midges control services in Nairobi, midges control in Kenya, Jopestkil Kenya Expert Midges and Sandflies Control Services, midges control in Nairobi Kenya, expert midges control services, midges control services in Nairobi Kenya, midges control services in Nairobi, midges fumigation services in Nairobi Kenya, midges eradication services in Kenya, midges control company in Kenya, midges elimination services in Kenya, midges extermination services in Kenya, midges control in Kenya, midges control in Kenya, midges infestation management in Kenya.

Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 for midges control services in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya provides the best guaranteed midge solution based long term.

Midges Control Services in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya:

  • Provides affordable midges control treatment.

  • Midges elimination solutions instantly for longer.

  • Provides perfect midges control services for both residential & commercial clients.

  • Provides guaranteed, safe, effective, reliable midges control.

  • Midges extermination free follow up for longer.


Midges control in Kenya
Midges control in Kenya

What Are Midges? Despite the cute sounding name, midges can be a real nuisance. Midges are actually many different species of tiny flies. Not all species bite, but, like midges, the females of some species need blood in order to reproduce. Their mouthparts include cutting teeth that break the skin to extract blood. These bites can be quite painful.

Although biting midges may be a nuisance to us, many midge species are important food sources for insectivores like fish, frogs, swallows, and spiders. There are over 47 species of biting midge in Florida alone!

What Do Midges Look Like?

Some adult midges look similar to midges, with the same dark brown coloring on their bodies and wings, and bodies that extend beyond their wings. Most biting midges look like stocky flies, with wings that are only as long as their body. The female’s body expands and takes on a reddish brown color as it draws in blood while feeding.

Worldwide, midges are often called “no-see-ums” because they are so small and hard to see. At 1 to 3 mm in length, the body of a small midge is about the size of a pencil point! Large midges are less than 1/8 inch long.

Male midge flies are most easily seen when they circle in the air together as a swarm. You have probably seen these midge swarms yourself! Females may be present, but males do not bite. Swarms are annoying, but you are unlikely to be bitten by a swarm of males.

Fun fact: Some fishing enthusiasts like to use lures that look like midge larvae!

Are Midge Bites Dangerous?

Some biting midges can spread diseases like bluetongue virus to livestock and African horse sickness virus to horses, deer and other animals, but they are not known to transmit diseases to humans.

There are species of no-see-ums whose bites cause infections in humans that lead to dermatitis and skin lesions.

The itching and swelling produced by midge bites in humans are an allergic reaction, not a disease.

Where Do Midges Live?

There are over 4,000 species of biting midge, and they are found all over the world.

Midges live in coastal areas, swamps, riverbanks, ponds and marshy regions. The lifecycle of biting midges is similar to that of a mosquito. They lay their eggs in standing water or, in some cases, wet soil.

Larvae grow in debris at the bottom of the standing water, followed by a pupa stage when they begin to form wings and legs, moving toward the surface. The larval stage can last up to a year, often through the winter, depending on the climate. Midge larvae play an important role in the ecosystem by helping to break down leaves and other organic material on the bottom of these watery areas. The rest of the life cycle usually lasts two to three weeks plenty of time for adults to mate and females to bite you, and then lay more eggs!


Midges deposit their eggs near waterbodies, often still water boggy marshes or storm water ponds. Because of this, their adult counterparts are generally also found in these same areas.

It’s also common to see midges in big swarms or ‘clouds’ in the air, often around dusk some people in other regions refer to these as ‘gnat-balls’. This can be when a lot of people or community residents become irritated or frustrated by their presence.

In terms of geography, midge flies can be found almost anywhere. But in certain areas their warm climates allow populations to thrive year-round.


There are plenty of reasons to get rid of or control the midge flies in your area. Not only are they annoying when they swarm around waterfronts, ponds, lakeshores, or docks, but they can also cause property damage on painted or wooden surfaces.

Most bug sprays don’t go far in terms of keeping individual midge flies away, and they certainly are powerless against swarms or heavily populated areas near waterfronts, boats, or shorelines. And while helpful in temporarily mitigating midges, pesticides alone won’t solve the problem in the long term as midges continuously breed and migrate from nearby waterbodies.

Instead, here at Jopestkil Kenya Expert Midges and Sandflies Control Services, we recommend an integrated approach that combines chemical, biological, and preventative methods to keep midges away while also working to control the population.

Surveillance: Take samples of midges to identify which are present and estimate their population levels as well as to figure where they are coming from.

Nutrient Abatement: Midges are attracted to storm water ponds in particular as they have tons of weeds and algae as well as nutrient-rich waters from runoff things larvae feed on. But there are ways of safely reducing these, as well as making sure water stays circulating rather than still and stagnant.

Biological Control: Sometimes the addition of certain fish, which feed on the midges, can act as a natural control. Make sure that this fish species and the amount is estimated by someone with experience adding the wrong fish, the wrong quantity, or adding into the wrong waterbody can have adverse effects.

Chemical Control: Done mainly to reduce annoyance; these may include larvicides applied to waterbodies, ULV adulticide, barrier treatments applied to siding and foliage, or more.

If you’re looking to control midge fly populations around your home, pond, or community, contact Jopestkil Kenya Expert Midges and Sandflies Control Services here for an estimate or learn more about our midge control practices here. We have decades of experience dealing with all kinds of pests including midges.


Midges are pesky little flies that live near water. Most look like midges or gnats and are commonly known by a variety of names: sandflies, no-see-ums, muckle heads, and black flies. No matter what they are called, they can be tough to control and practically impossible to eliminate entirely. The best way to tackle a midge infestation is to combine a variety of methods that will disrupt midge activities and reduce their population. Jopestkil Kenya Expert Midges and Sandflies Control Services.


Midges, also known as No-See-Ums, punkies and sandflies, can be hard to eliminate on your property. With expert handling you can get rid of Midges by:

  • Set up biting insect CO2 traps, like any of our traps to draw the insects away and kill them.

  • Install small-mesh screens in windows to prevent their entry.

  • Use air conditioning to keep midges from entering buildings.

  • Pick clothing that completely covers the skin.

  • Apply insect repellent to drive them away.

Further, most species will only travel a mile or less from their hatching site to find food, so recognizing and eliminating local breeding sites can cut down on their numbers.

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